Rafael Domingo (1963, PhD 1987) is the Spruill Family Research Professor at Emory University in Atlanta, USA, and ICS Professor of Law at the University of Navarra, Spain. A specialist in legal history, legal theory, ancient Roman law, and comparative law, he has authored and edited more than twenty books, including Auctoritas (1999), Juristas Universales (2004), The New Global Law (2010), God and the Secular Legal System (2016), and Great Christian Jurists in Spanish History (2018).
Chronological tables
Part One: Roman law in historical context
Chapter One: Basic legal concepts and values
Chapter Two: Constitutional background of Roman law
Chapter Three: Sources of Roman law
Chapter Four: The jurists and the legal science
Chapter Five: Justinian and the Corpus Iuris
Chapter Six: The revival of Roman law
Part Two: Roman law in action
Chapter Seven: Civil litigation
Chapter Eight: Family law
Chapter Nine: Property law
Chapter Ten: The law of succession
Chapter Eleven: The law of obligations I: contracts
Chapter Twelve: The law of obligations II: delicts
General bibliography