For many years we were taught that we were Europeans, taken off the ships, but they forgot that for thousands of years, before the arrival of the European, America already existed and that the coasts of the South, of the great River as sea, the current Rio de la Plata, and many rivers and streams were crossed by canoes with thousands of original settlers, women and men who forged the foundation of my people. The oldest settlement in Uruguay is undoubtedly Santo Domingo Soriano, cradle and root of our history. It survives and dreams despite being relegated as if it were a bastard daughter. The first songs, agriculture, the search for sovereignty, the first cry for freedom, the Indian, the black and the gaucho together with the immigrants who came from all over the world to form human beings who lived together in peace and harmony despite their differences, women who shared their lives, their customs, their ideals and suffered their pains, but brought into the world the children who today are part of our population. From the womb to the tomb we must venerate our ancestors who make up these brief stories. There is much more history to tell....