Since the beginning of Internet, Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is the most used network protocol. For years, we know Internet has been successfully connecting communicating devices worldwide. TCP/IP plays most important role for achieving this effectively. The basic principle for end to end data transfer is based on TCP/IP. But when end to end connectivity is broken or intermittent, then TCP/IP may not work properly with reliability, in many cases, it can completely fail to transfer data from source to destination. This problem occurs mainly in remote areas, or villages that lack basic infrastructure to support Internet. In such circumstances, wireless communication networks which are independent of end to end connectivity between nodes can provide better result. One such solution is Pocket Switched Network (PSN). It is a fairly new research area which can work properly without specific infrastructure. PSN is independent of end to end connectivity between humans and it can provide better result in extreme environment which TCP/IP cannot handle.