In the ruthless and unforgiving world of the mafia, a powerful syndicate known as the Royal Beasts rules with an iron fist. Bound by their unwavering loyalty to each other, they are feared by all and respected by few. The story follows a group of elite members who must navigate a perilous path filled with deadly betrayals, shifting alliances, and the constant threat of destruction. As the underworld faces a new and unpredictable wave of enemies, the Royal Beasts must unite to protect their empire, while struggling to maintain their code of honor amidst chaos. At the heart of the tale is the fight for survival and redemption, as the Royal Beasts are forced to confront their darkest secrets. A brutal war between rival factions threatens to tear apart everything they have built, forcing each member to make impossible choices. With loyalty and blood on the line, they must find a way to protect what's theirs and fight for a chance at salvation. In a world where only the strongest thrive, the Royal Beasts must prove they are more than just beasts-they are kings and queens of their fate, ready to rise above the ashes of their past.
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