The Russian army's special intervention in Ukraine on February 24, 2022 has turned international relations upside down and led the world into a profound global crisis unprecedented after the Covid-19 pandemic. It is not only the continuation of more than three decades of political tensions between Russia and Ukraine, but also the continuation of some twenty years of geopolitical tensions between Russia and the West as well as the United States to the east of Ukraine. In this book, we examine the reasons for the new geopolitical tensions between Russia and Ukraine, and also with NATO, including the geopolitical strategies of the major international powers in eastern Ukraine, characterized by neo-realism, which are disrupting international relations. It also raises the question of the legality and legitimacy of Russia's intervention in Ukraine, a burning issue in this war which I have taken the liberty of examining. Important recommendations have been made for a way out of the crisis, as well as ways and means to save humanity from a future hell.