SAARC is a diverse conglomerate of nations, mostly developing ones, where the demand for power has soared, propelled by the inexorable inertia of population explosion and aspirations for higher quality of life. Governments around the world are motivated to diversify their energy resources and find an alternative cheaper and a cleaner source of energy. Energy Conservation & Energy Efficiency (EC&EE) is a movement to resolve & to plug in all kind of inefficiencies and wastage in all aspect of Energy Conservation. All sector of economy can conserve energy to the extent of 25% of total energy consumption. It is very important to make a note that Energy Conservation & Energy Efficiency (EC&EE) cannot be very effective where policies and prices are not appropriate. The vital role of Government must be to move toward energy prices that reflect true costs, discourage waste, and make conservation economically profitable for individuals and the society. The book consist of Road Map and action plan for SAARC countries to improve there energy inefficiencies from all sector of economy. SAARC Region security of supply as regards oil and gas in particular has been weakened in the long term.