High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Sabrina's Secret Life is an American animated television series based on the Archie Comics character Sabrina, the Teenage Witch produced by DiC Entertainment. Originally aired in syndication in 2003 as a spinoff of Sabrina: Friends Forever, Sabrina: The Animated Series and Sabrina, the Teenage Witch. The plots for each episode featured educational elements to meet the FCC's federal E/I requirements. In the series, Sabrina is a 14-year old teenager (older than in Sabrina: The Animated Series, but still younger that usually portrayed in the comics) attending Greendale High School. Chloe has moved away, and Gem Stone attends a private school far away from Greendale. Sabrina's new best friend is a girl named Maritza; additionally, Sabrina still has a crush on her friend, Harvey.