The exchange of goods have always been practiced by man; during the Stone Age, it was facilitated via the barter system, but several problems were encountered with barter, such as, there was no standard unit of measure, there had to be coincidence of wants before trade could effectively take place, the geographical span within which trade could be transacted, was severely limited, aside other shortcomings. With civilization, money emerged and replaced barter. It is a notorious fact that the exchange of goods and services is an important aspect of human life; in this modern time, countries of the world are not equally endowed with human and natural resources, more importantly, the economic principle espoused by comparative advantage, the free market economy, globalization and telecommunications, has made trade and commerce, as well as inter-governmental commercial transactions, an indispensable aspect of human life. Given all the above, it can be asserted that man cannot possibly do without trade. Many parties to sale of goods transactions are not aware of the law - SOGA, this is the motivation for this book which shall be useful for university students, as well as other persons.