Dante Carloman is a computer geek who finds himself leading a small colony marooned on a barren planet. The daily life of these humans is a struggle for survival against both the elements and an alien species, they call harpies, who are bent on their eradication. On the world the human colony named 'Cocytus', Dante uncovers unnerving clues linking humans to the harpies dating back to Earth's early civilizations. In order to solve this mysterious relationship, he must delve into the long-forgotten memories of an ancient artificial intelligence and deal with other alien species who seem to step from the pages of mythological legends. Captured and sent to a world designed for the slow tortured death of the harpies' enemies, Dante discovers astounding truths about mankind's role in the galaxy. With only his wits as a weapon, He finds a chink in the aliens' all-encompassing control. But he must summon the courage to face an enemy who has not known defeat in a millennium. That tenuous chance will either save them or doom humanity to annihilation. Humans, satyrs, centaurs and rocs working together in a bizarre melding of needs and expectations results in a gripping adventure laced with humor. It is a fast-paced novel that redefines what we think of as life.
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