Saving Crescents is a heart-pounding political thriller written by Ishaan Srivastava. The novel follows the stories of two public servants, Secretary of Foreign Relations Neil Denmark, and Senate Leader Bertha York, who find themselves at the forefront of an effort to bring democracy to their country, Crescents, and stop its descent into an autocracy. Crescents is a beautiful country with a broken political system, one in which there are no laws and justice, and corruption reigns over every system designed to protect the people. Bertha and Neil take it upon themselves to bring change to their country, but it won't be easy. Forces from within the country of Crescents have preyed on the downfall of hopefuls like Bertha and Neil. Dissenters are sent to the widely feared 'authorities' who ensure that Crescent's message of lawlessness is carried out. The two must combat the evil that plagues their government and the anarchy that rules the streets of Crescents to bring about any spark of change to save their people. They must also fight the most dangerous person they will ever know to cross the finish line. While they navigate through the challenges their country faces from the inside, Bertha and Neil must also contend with the dangers from the outside as Crescents prepares to go to war against its arch-rival and neighbor to the north, Ravalia. Crescents' internal political crisis makes the war the worst thing to happen for everyone in the country, but a cunning gift for the power-hungry leaders at the top. As Crescents's future hangs on a fragile thread and it faces crisis after crisis, it will be up to Neil and Bertha to bring any hope to the future of their country and stops its fall. visit for more information
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