The idea of this research came from a personal experience in the study area where I have been working as humanitarian since June 2015. Being in the milieu, I have experienced in several instances difficulties to reach out to beneficiaries of projects implemented by the organisations operating in the area. This constraint is the result of the occupation of the road and along by armed group who are constantly clashing, thus exposing aid workers and civilians to security risks including kidnapping orchestrated by the same groups as an income generating activity. It was then deemed of great interest to explore the issue. In this regards the research was structured around the two questions formulated as follows: What are the major factors impeding access to humanitarian aid in Kitchanga and its environs? How can access to aid targets by humanitarian workers be improved in the area of Kitchanga? This research undertaking aimed at carrying out deep dive into the factors that determine access constraints in Kitchanga and surroundings in order to find answers to the research questions.