With scenario planning, leaders, executives, and decision makers can develop strategies for multiple futures, making their organizations resilient, agile, and capable of adapting to new circumstances at the speed of change. Here Thomas Chermack addresses the method s complexities and, unlike other books, deals not just with developing different scenarios but also with applying those scenarios and assessing their impact.
This is the most comprehensive guide available to the scenario planning process, offering a thorough discussion of the method s theoretical foundations and detailing a five-phase scenario planning system. Chermack uses a real-world case study to illuminate the entire process from project preparation to scenario exploration, development, implementation, and project assessment. He provides specific techniques and tools for gathering and analyzing relevant data, structuring and managing projects, and avoiding common pitfalls.
This is the most comprehensive guide available to the scenario planning process, offering a thorough discussion of the method s theoretical foundations and detailing a five-phase scenario planning system. Chermack uses a real-world case study to illuminate the entire process from project preparation to scenario exploration, development, implementation, and project assessment. He provides specific techniques and tools for gathering and analyzing relevant data, structuring and managing projects, and avoiding common pitfalls.
All CEOs, university presidents, leaders of national nonprofits, and politicians face the same problem: coping with uncertainty. Scenario planning addresses this central problem. One cannot attend a planning session in any large organization without the topic of scenario planning arising. Professor Chermack puts the various approaches to scenario planning in a highly readable and useful context. For those of us who have used a variant of scenario planning for many years, there is much to learn in this approach. Professor Chermack is well on his way to becoming a major resource for this important planning tool.
Vance Opperman, President and CEO, Key Investment, Inc.; Audit Committee Chair, Thomson Reuters; and former President, West Publishing Company
With extensive expertise, Tom Chermack spotlights scenario planning as a fundamental tool used by organizations to achieve long-term sustainability. This book helps me guide diverse management teams through strategic decision and problem-solving processes using a collaborative and forward-thinking approach.
Carla McCabe, Director of Human Resources, Technicolor
Scenario planning has benefitted our entire organization by helping us understand a volatile environment and how to move forward. Scenarios have helped us think through options, create insights, and spark innovative ideas. Chermack s approach held us accountable and emphasized creative thinking as well as assessing where and how the scenarios added value.
James Steven Beck, MBA, CPA, Vice President Administration, Eltron Research & Development, Inc.
Professor Chermack has made the mysterious process of scenario planning available in a format accessible for both leaders of large corporations and small business owners. Creating a common working language about the future is essential for the long-term success of any enterprise. Tom s clear guidelines provide practical tools for organizations to create scenarios that will help them discover new ways of thinking, planning, and being.
Kim Cermak, President and COO, KDC Management, LLC
Compelling and thoroughly researched, this book offers every business executive a playbook for including uncertainty in the organizational change process and driving competitive advantage.
Tim Reynolds, Vice President, Talent and Organizational Effectiveness, Whirlpool Corporation
It has been forty years since we first started developing scenarios at Shell to help steer us into an unknown future. This is the fullest description I have seen of how the theory and use of scenarios have developed since.
Napier Collyns, cofounder, Global Business Network
Chermack is well on his way to becoming a major resource for this important planning tool.
Vance Opperman, President and CEO, Key Investment, Inc., and Audit Committee Chair, Thomson Reuters
With this book, scenario artists can learn to muster the analysis they need for credibility, and scenario academicians can get a sense of the artistry they will need.
Art Kleiner, Editor-in-Chief, strategy+business
Vance Opperman, President and CEO, Key Investment, Inc.; Audit Committee Chair, Thomson Reuters; and former President, West Publishing Company
With extensive expertise, Tom Chermack spotlights scenario planning as a fundamental tool used by organizations to achieve long-term sustainability. This book helps me guide diverse management teams through strategic decision and problem-solving processes using a collaborative and forward-thinking approach.
Carla McCabe, Director of Human Resources, Technicolor
Scenario planning has benefitted our entire organization by helping us understand a volatile environment and how to move forward. Scenarios have helped us think through options, create insights, and spark innovative ideas. Chermack s approach held us accountable and emphasized creative thinking as well as assessing where and how the scenarios added value.
James Steven Beck, MBA, CPA, Vice President Administration, Eltron Research & Development, Inc.
Professor Chermack has made the mysterious process of scenario planning available in a format accessible for both leaders of large corporations and small business owners. Creating a common working language about the future is essential for the long-term success of any enterprise. Tom s clear guidelines provide practical tools for organizations to create scenarios that will help them discover new ways of thinking, planning, and being.
Kim Cermak, President and COO, KDC Management, LLC
Compelling and thoroughly researched, this book offers every business executive a playbook for including uncertainty in the organizational change process and driving competitive advantage.
Tim Reynolds, Vice President, Talent and Organizational Effectiveness, Whirlpool Corporation
It has been forty years since we first started developing scenarios at Shell to help steer us into an unknown future. This is the fullest description I have seen of how the theory and use of scenarios have developed since.
Napier Collyns, cofounder, Global Business Network
Chermack is well on his way to becoming a major resource for this important planning tool.
Vance Opperman, President and CEO, Key Investment, Inc., and Audit Committee Chair, Thomson Reuters
With this book, scenario artists can learn to muster the analysis they need for credibility, and scenario academicians can get a sense of the artistry they will need.
Art Kleiner, Editor-in-Chief, strategy+business