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Schaum's Outline of Basic Electricity, 2ed
1. The Nature of Electricity
2. Electrical Standards and Conventions
3. Ohm's Law and Power
4. Direct-Current Series Circuits
5. Direct-Current Parallel Circuits
6. Batteries
7. Kirchhoff's Laws
8. Determinant Solutions for DC Networks
9. Network Calculations
10. Magnetism and Electromagnetism
11. Direct-Current Generators and Motors
12. Principles of Alternating Current
13. Inductance, Inductive Reactance, and Inductive Circuits
14. Capacitance, Capacitive Reactance, and Capacitive Circuits
15. Single-Phase Circuits
16. Alternating-Current Generators and Motors
17. Complex Numbers and Complex Impedance for Series AC Circuits
18. AC Circuit Analysis with Complex Numbers
19. Transformers
20. Three-Phase Systems
21. Series and Parallel Resonance
22. Waveforms and Time Constants