Schlango-Tango - ein Musikstück in energischem Tango-Rhythmus! Über die klangvollen Melodie-Passagen der tiefen Streicher im zweiten Teil des Stückes legen sich die ausdrucksvollen Begleitfiguren der Violinen. In dieser Komposition kann neben Synkopen und Tango-Rhythmus auch ein wohlklingendes Pizzicato geübt werden.
Schlango-Tango - a piece of music with an energetic tango-rhythm. The sonorous melodic lines of the low strings in the second part of the piece are accompanied by expressive interjections of the violins. This composition is a good training for syncopation, tango-rhythm and a fine-sounding pizzicato.
Schlango-Tango - a piece of music with an energetic tango-rhythm. The sonorous melodic lines of the low strings in the second part of the piece are accompanied by expressive interjections of the violins. This composition is a good training for syncopation, tango-rhythm and a fine-sounding pizzicato.