In diesem Band werden zwei bisher unveröffentlichte Entwürfe zur Eschatologie publiziert: eine Vorlesung des Zürcher Fundamentaltheologen Walter Mostert und eine Thesenreihe des Tübinger Systematikers Eberhard Jüngel. Sie werden ergänzt durch weitere Texte der beiden bekannten Autoren, die ebenfalls eschatologische Themen behandeln. Im Unterschied zu gegenwärtigen apokalyptischen Parolen und Aktionen, die den Untergang der Welt und das Ende der Zeit beschwören, aber auch im kritischen Gegenüber zu einem trostlosen Verstummen angesichts der Macht des Todes, kommt hier eine biblisch fundierte reformatorische Eschatologie zur Sprache, die höchst aktuell ist und es darum verdient, breit wahrgenommen zu werden.
[Already now - and then even more so! Fragments of eschatology. Lectures - lectures - sermons]
Two previously unpublished drafts on eschatology are published in this volume: a lecture by the Zurich fundamental theologian Walter Mostert and a series of theses by the Tübingen systematist Eberhard Jüngel. They are supplemented by other texts by the two well-known authors, which also deal with eschatological topics. In contrast to current apocalyptic slogans and actions that conjure up the end of the world and the end of time, but also in the critical contrast to a desolate silence in the face of the power of death, a biblically based Reformation eschatology is discussed here that is extremely current and therefore deserves to be widely recognized.
[Already now - and then even more so! Fragments of eschatology. Lectures - lectures - sermons]
Two previously unpublished drafts on eschatology are published in this volume: a lecture by the Zurich fundamental theologian Walter Mostert and a series of theses by the Tübingen systematist Eberhard Jüngel. They are supplemented by other texts by the two well-known authors, which also deal with eschatological topics. In contrast to current apocalyptic slogans and actions that conjure up the end of the world and the end of time, but also in the critical contrast to a desolate silence in the face of the power of death, a biblically based Reformation eschatology is discussed here that is extremely current and therefore deserves to be widely recognized.