Strategic actions are proposed to promote Science and Technology Education for teachers and students in the basic education network of the Southern Cone Citizenship Territory (Tccs) in Rondônia. The aim is to achieve inclusive, equitable and quality education by promoting lifelong learning and science opportunities at school for primary school students in the Tccs who are socially vulnerable. Formative initiatives will be promoted, contextualised in the 21st century, which enhance interaction and curiosity with world knowledge, inspiring scientific research with the support of technological tools. There will be the development of spaces to showcase experiences, disseminate scientific culture and stimulate students' creativity, motivating the development of autonomous thinking and the mastery of skills specific to the field of science, exercising the values of citizenship that are essential for understanding everyday life. The texts in the chapters of this book are based on the precept that, more and more, topics pertaining to speciality, technology and innovation are becoming part of people's daily lives.