The monograph examines the trends, structure and fluctuations in Scotland's foreign trade, 1700-1760 in two parts. Part I is a general examination of the sources, the institutional, as well as socio-economic framework, and the general trend in Scotland's foreign trades, 1700-1760.
Part II consists of a detailed case study on Scottish trade with German ports, based on a comprehensive examination of contemporary customs accounts and trade statistics. The monograph's main aim is to highlight the pan-European contingency matrix, which Scottish foreign trade was exposed to after 1700. It is also intended to shed new light on hitherto overlooked aspects, such as the responsibility of the new (English) customs system in Scotland, 1707 for creating a peculiarly Scottish pattern of trade thereafter.
Part II consists of a detailed case study on Scottish trade with German ports, based on a comprehensive examination of contemporary customs accounts and trade statistics. The monograph's main aim is to highlight the pan-European contingency matrix, which Scottish foreign trade was exposed to after 1700. It is also intended to shed new light on hitherto overlooked aspects, such as the responsibility of the new (English) customs system in Scotland, 1707 for creating a peculiarly Scottish pattern of trade thereafter.
"Es handelt sich um eine sehr gut und gründlich recherchierte, ausgezeichnete Arbeit, die gerade auf dem Gebiet der schottisch-norddeutschen Handelsbeziehungen wichtige neue Erkenntnisse zutage bringt und hier eine große Forschungslücke schließt." Margrit Schulte Beerbühl Historische Zeitschrift 290, 2010