Rice is a staple food for millions of people and having great importance in food and nutritional security. The deficiency of micronutrients such as iron (Fe) in staple food crops is the most common nutritional disorder specially for preschool children and pregnant woman in Bangladesh. Therefore, screening of iron rich rice genotypes is an essential study on the context of Bangladesh. In this study 52 rice genotypes were analyzed for iron (Fe) concentration by using Atomic Absorbance Spectrophotometer. Digestion of rice grain samples were carried out by diacid mixture of HNO3 and HClO4 (2:1). Iron concentration ranged from 1.32 ppm to 100.45 ppm. The local landraces had the highest iron (Fe) concentration. Molecular screening of iron rich rice genotypes was carried out by using ten SSR markers. Among the ten markers, RM17, RM21 and RM400 had showed the polymorphism with 52 rice germplasm. Thus, local landraces can be the good source for biofortification of popular rice cultivars using different crop improvement methods.