Ever looked at a familiar object and realised it isn't quite what you thought? The grubby old picture that turns out to be an original Rembrandt; the funny old bowl signed with the Sevres maker's mark; the boulder someone has been using as the back step to their cabin which turns out to be a 20kg gold nugget: you've read the stories, and wished it was you. But what if the Good News turned out to be much Better News than you ever realised? What if the Kingdom of God is not just "a hope for later", but rock-solid answers for right now? What if some of the things we say in Church aren't just mistaken, but the diametric opposite of the practical training Jesus gave to His Disciples? This little book isn't setting out to be a Systematic Theology, nor is it a Field Manual for the Kingdom. But it does tackle some pretty fundamental issues of faith and belief. By the end you may well conclude that you have been reading your Bible upside down, all along. Whether you are Post-God, or busy Pastoring, or just hanging on in there as a believer, this is a book to make you think. And come alive.
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Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.