Grace abounds in the final installment of the Seeking Our Humanity trilogy. The eight friends, who originally committed to healing the Earth, continue to reach out, and wonderful new people with similar passions for saving Mother Earth enthusiastically join the cause. Friendships among the characters deepen, as do their relationships with the Earth and with the Visitor from another plane who first brought the news that Earth's crisis was grounded in humankind's violence, anger, and greed. Visibly present or not, this gentle man is an influential presence in the lives of the Family of Friends. Serving as a Guide and Spiritual Companion, he assists them individually and collectively as they face the deep-seated fears that underlie so much of humanity's negative behavior and energy. Through their development, we, the readers, are assisted in facing the reality of our own personal impact upon self, others, and the Earth. We learn that our behaviors matter and that the ramifications of our words, actions, deeds, and ill will have devastating effects on those around us, including the Life Being Earth. This is a reality that must be faced. And we can! There is reason for hope! We are capable of making the necessary changes. Now, in this pivotal moment in time, we can make the most important changes in our history. We are not alone in this endeavor. For the sake of humanity and for the well being of the Earth, it is time for all the people of Earth to take the next step in becoming the peaceable beings that we are intended to be. Readers of Seeking Our Humanity, Part III are blessed to recognize themselves through the heartfelt development of our different characters and are moved to grow with them, more and more, toward becoming beings of loving kindness.
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