SAC 2000 was the seventh in a series of annual workshops on Selected Areas in Cryptography.PreviousworkshopswereheldatQueen sUniversityinKingston (1994, 1996, 1998, and 1999) and at Carleton University in Ottawa (1995 and 1997). The intent of the workshops is to provide a relaxed atmosphere in which researchers in cryptography can present and discuss new work on selected areas of current interest. The themes for the SAC 2000 workshop were: design and analysis of symmetric key cryptosystems, primitivesforprivatekeycryptography,includingblockandstreamciphers, hash functions, and MACs, e?cientimplementationsofcryptographicsystemsinpublicandprivatekey cryptography, cryptographic solutions for web/internet security. Atotalof41papersweresubmittedtoSAC2000,oneofwhichwassubsequently withdrawn. After a review process that had all papers reviewed by at least 3 referees, 24 papers were accepted for presentation at the workshop. As well, we were fortunate to have the following two invited speakers at SAC 2000: M. Bellare, UCSD (U.S.A.) The Provable-Security Approach to Authenticated Session-Key Exchange D. Boneh, Stanford U. (U.S.A.) Message Authentication in a Multicast Environment The program committee for SAC 2000 consisted of the following members: L. Chen, H. Heys, L. Knudsen, S. Moriai, L. O Connor, D. Stinson, S. Tavares, S. Vaudenay, A. Youssef, and R. Zuccherato. Many thanks are due to the p- gramcommitteefortheirhardwork.Also,AmrYoussefprovidedgreatassistance in making the reviewing process run smoothly. Weareappreciativeofthe?nancialsupportprovidedbyCerticomCorporation, CITO, Entrust Technologies, MITACS, and the University of Waterloo. Special thanks are due to Frances Hannigan, who was responsible for the local arran- ments, and for making sure that everything ran smoothly during the workshop.
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