Concept of right of peoples to self-determination is
maybe the most contradicting theory in modern
international law.
Kosovo Albanians are among those who have tried to
exercise the right to self-determination resulting
perhaps in the most controversial dispute in
contemporary international law, at least in post WW
II Europe.
Key-words for the discussion would be the right to
determination of Kosovo Albanians, minority and
human rights, and application of thereof. Particular
focus is paid on appraisal whether and to what
extent exercising of those rights has been available
to the Albanians and other ethnic groups in Kosovo.
Primarily the UN Human Rights Conventions, The Hague
and Geneva Conventions and other relevant norms,
including provisions of the domestic legislature,
serve as a basis for legal subsuming. However, the
examination cannot be limited to a pragmatic legal
appraisal of this particular case and therefore an
attempt is made to make assessment of moral rights,
arising from alleged breaches of basic human and
minority rights what may support or diminish the
weigh of parties` claims during the course.
maybe the most contradicting theory in modern
international law.
Kosovo Albanians are among those who have tried to
exercise the right to self-determination resulting
perhaps in the most controversial dispute in
contemporary international law, at least in post WW
II Europe.
Key-words for the discussion would be the right to
determination of Kosovo Albanians, minority and
human rights, and application of thereof. Particular
focus is paid on appraisal whether and to what
extent exercising of those rights has been available
to the Albanians and other ethnic groups in Kosovo.
Primarily the UN Human Rights Conventions, The Hague
and Geneva Conventions and other relevant norms,
including provisions of the domestic legislature,
serve as a basis for legal subsuming. However, the
examination cannot be limited to a pragmatic legal
appraisal of this particular case and therefore an
attempt is made to make assessment of moral rights,
arising from alleged breaches of basic human and
minority rights what may support or diminish the
weigh of parties` claims during the course.