"Sense Makes Change" is a captivating narrative that began its journey as a compelling stage play, meticulously crafted and brought to life with poignant precision. After a decade of dormancy, the script finds new resonance as it transitions into a gripping novel, delving deep into the interconnections of cause and effect, and the transformative power of understanding. Set against the backdrop of the YD Development Center and Nikki's home, the story unfolds through the intertwined lives of five central characters, each representing a facet of human experience: hope, direction, purpose, relationship with God, and resilience. Poppa, the devoted brother of Mike; Chris, the son of the center's proprietor; Stephanie, Chris's steadfast partner; Nikki, entangled in a tumultuous relationship with Tyrone, and Tyrone himself, grappling with his inner demons. As Nikki's impromptu house party spirals out of control, fueled by betrayal and simmering tensions, a seemingly inconsequential altercation sets off a chain of events with devastating consequences. When Tyrone's rage ignites a fatal confrontation, Poppa is left grappling with guilt and grief, haunted by the tragic loss of his brother Mike, a promising athlete on the brink of NFL stardom. Through the lens of this heart-wrenching tragedy, "Sense Makes Change," navigates the complexities of human emotion, the fragility of relationships, and the enduring power of redemption. As Poppa teeters on the brink of vengeance, his journey towards forgiveness and understanding becomes a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Join us on a gripping odyssey of self-discovery and redemption, where every action reverberates with profound meaning, and the quest for change begins with a simple realization: Sense Makes Change.
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