The story begins in the heart of Boston, Massachusetts. It takes place in a fictional district called Tenete. The heroine Ariel, is your average, young and single first-grade teacher. She has also begun volunteering at Tenet Central hospital twice a week. There, she meets the larger-than-life and undeniably gorgeous, but enigmatic. Dr. Brandon Shields. At first glance. Ariel isn't impressed with the handsome doctor. She doesn't bat an eye over the fact that just about every nurse or patient is enamored with Dr. Shields as explained by her close childhood friend Dr. Amy Hamilton. Dr. Shields doesn't hesitate to "unofficially" appoint her his secretary while he is at the hospital. Of course this becomes the hot topic around the hospital, which doesn't bother Ariel one bit, as she knows exactly what kind of relationship her and Dr. Shields have -- platonic. All of this changes when Ariel has no one else to turn to but the charismatic Dr. Shields for a medical condition that she doesn't want anyone to know about -- an affected tattoo near her rear. Against his professional ethics, he examines the distraught Ariel without a female nurse. During the examination, two nurses walk into his office unannounced and are shocked by their precarious positions. Needless to say, rumors fly like wildfire around the hospital, reaching the director's outraged ears. To protect Ariel during the interrogation by the director he claims Ariel his fiancee. For various reasons he explains to Ariel that he must marry to inherit his fortune. However they don't count on his grandfather or Ariel's father to team up and contrive to pull the reluctant lovers together.
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