Alan Wilson is Professor of Marketing and Head of the Marketing Department within the University of Strathclyde Business School. He specializes in the marketing of services, has a PhD in the subject, and has been invited to deliver lectures and seminars on both services marketing and marketing research in a variety of countries throughout the world, to both student and executive audiences.
Valarie Zeithaml è docente di marketing presso la University of North Carolina.
Mary Jo Bitner è docente di marketing e gestione dei servizi presso la Arizona State University.
Dwayne D. Gremler è docente di marketing presso la Bowling Green State Univerity.
Part 1: Foundations of Services Marketing
1.Introduction to services
2.Consumer Behaviour in services
3.Customer expectations of service
4.Customer perceptions of service
5.Conceptual framework of the book: the gaps model of service quality
Part 2: Understanding Customer Requirements
6.Listening to customers through research
7.Building customer relationships
Part 3: Aligning Service Design and Standards
8.Service development and design
9.Customer-defined service standards
10.Physical evidence and the servicescape
Part 4: Delivering and Performing Service
11.Employees' roles in service delivery
12.Customers' roles in service delivery
13.Delivering service through technology and intermediaries
14.Managing demand and capacity
15.Service recovery
Part 5: Managing Service Promises
16.Integrated services marketing communications
17.Pricing of services
Part 6: Service and the Bottom Line
18.The financial impact of service quality