This book is based on the idea of personal worship-that is prayer, devotion, and meditation. As believer in Christ Jesus, we are all called to present ourselves a living sacrifice, pleasing and acceptable to God as a rational service of worship. This book is designed to provoke growth through probing questions regarding prayer to God in accordance with His Word, devotion to God by living according to His Word, and meditation on God's Word to know the will of God that which is good and acceptable and perfect. This pillar is speaking to the person who has already received the saving knowledge of Christ Jesus and have become part of His church. To this, individual rests the responsibility to be conformed to the image of Christ-that is, to grow regarding their salvation as they become disciples of Christ. Believing in Jesus does not make one a disciple, but as Jesus said, the one who would choose to become His disciple must first deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him. As a disciple, this is seen through one's devotion to God and His Word through daily communion in prayer and meditating on God's Word.