Sexual violence refers to any unwanted or non-consensual sexual touching, victimization achieved through physical force, threat, deterrence and compulsion. Many acts of sexual hostility also occur in concert with physical violence. This form of violence may occur in over fifty percent of physically violent relationship. Acts of sexual abuse include: rape, incest, forced sex with others, forced oral sex, indecent, molesting in public and private sphere. Acts of physical violence include slapping, drowning, grabbing, hair pulling, punching, arm- twisting, pushing, dangling by neck, arms or feet, kicking, hand cuffing, kneeing, tying up rope, choking, clawing, pushing to ground, threating with gun or knife, biting, threatening with burning objects and breaking or throwing objects, this type of violence is the widest one because we can notice and discover it. Physical violence is usually accompanied by psychological abuse and in many cases by sexual assault.