Minor lacerations after childbirth could be left to heal spontaneously or sutured according to the choice of the woman. Regarding sexual life after childbirth, women's thoughts were represented by four themes; stresses of family life alters sex pattern, discordance of sexual desire with the partner, body image after childbirth and reassurance. Men's thoughts about sexual life after childbirth were represented by one overarching theme; "transition to fatherhood brings sexual life to a crossroads". Midwives' reflections on counselling women at their postnatal visit were represented by two themes, "Balancing between personal perceptions of the woman's needs and health system restrictions". The results of this theses suggest that midwives and other health care providers should invite/initiate discussions on sexuality during pregnancy and postnatally. The caregivers own cultural and gender reference points influence their approach toward the mothers and fathers when counselling and itis important to have a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships.