Chosen to receive the power of six mighty elders, young newscaster Billy Batson has only to speak the name of the ancient wizard...SHAZAM!
In 1973, DC brought back one of the most beloved superheroes of all time: Shazam! Fans rejoiced at the return of Billy Batson; his sister, Mary; and their friend Freddy Freeman as they embarked on new adventures that evoked their original fun-filled comic book escapades. Together, the Shazam family took on a variety of vexing villains such as the contemptible Captain Nazi, the dastardly Dr. Sivana, and the maniacal Mr. Mind and often learned a lesson or two in the process! Join the Big Red Cheese and company for more nonstop family fun in this continuation of tales spanning the late 70s to the early 80s from legendary comics writer E. NELSON BRIDWELL, featuring art by DON NEWTON, KURT SCHAFFENBERGER, and more! This third volume collects stories from World s Finest Comics #253-270 and 272-282, and Adventure Comics #491-492.
In 1973, DC brought back one of the most beloved superheroes of all time: Shazam! Fans rejoiced at the return of Billy Batson; his sister, Mary; and their friend Freddy Freeman as they embarked on new adventures that evoked their original fun-filled comic book escapades. Together, the Shazam family took on a variety of vexing villains such as the contemptible Captain Nazi, the dastardly Dr. Sivana, and the maniacal Mr. Mind and often learned a lesson or two in the process! Join the Big Red Cheese and company for more nonstop family fun in this continuation of tales spanning the late 70s to the early 80s from legendary comics writer E. NELSON BRIDWELL, featuring art by DON NEWTON, KURT SCHAFFENBERGER, and more! This third volume collects stories from World s Finest Comics #253-270 and 272-282, and Adventure Comics #491-492.