Five-year-old Fern Riverly lives an adventurous life with her venturous grandmother, Grams. However, young Fern's life is turned upside down, when the unexpected occurs. Shocked, wistful Fern is overcome with grief, her summer changing from bright to sorrowful. Certain that this unexpected event is her fault, Fern roams toward the water to blame it for her losses. Will Fern, now eleven, realize that her life will go on, or continue to accuse the ocean for her dilemmas? Throughout your reading of this story, you will learn the past of Fern and Grams, as well as witness her present-day life. About the Author Ten-year-old author Ella Gilbert loves reading, creative writing, and piano. She has won 4,567 Newberry Honors (just kidding). She lives with her parents and two sisters in Silver Spring, MD. This is her second book.
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