Filled with over 150 essential, practical recipes that empower Unix users to regain lost timespent creating and testing shell scripts. The majority of scripts included are POSIX-compliantand supported by many of the major shell variants, including Bash, ksh, and sh.Each real-world example recipe follows the same problem-solution structure, meaningcross-referencing is easy and fast. Recipe topics include file conversion (DOS, UNIX, andMac), system administration, resource monitoring, filename management, complex datecalculations, screen control capabilities, and much more.
Completely updated for this second edition and taking all the changes of the past tenyears into account, every recipe in this book is now relevant for a modern audience. AuthorsChris Johnson's and Jayant Varma's code is clear, direct, and applicable. Add this excellentreference to your library today.
Completely updated for this second edition and taking all the changes of the past tenyears into account, every recipe in this book is now relevant for a modern audience. AuthorsChris Johnson's and Jayant Varma's code is clear, direct, and applicable. Add this excellentreference to your library today.