By sheer force of his personality Maharaja Ranjit Singh born in 1780, became the unquestioned ruler of the Punjab from 1799 to 1839, his kingdom being the last bastion to hold out against the British a symbol of their incomplete conquest of India. Relying on unconventional statecraft and dazzling display of daring and courage, he wielded his warrior nation to extend the empire from the Sutlej to Kabul in Afghanistan and from Ladakh to Iskardu and Tuklakote in Little Tibet.Every invasion of India till then had been from West to East, across the Indus, from 2000 BC onwards, when the Aryans came in. For the first time in history; an Indian ruler went Westwards, crossed the Indus River in 1826 and hoisted his flag on the Kabul fort. This is the story of Maharaja Ranjit Singh whose kingdom was the last to lay arms before the British who had annexed to entire sub-continent.What a classic biography of one of India's greatest rulers! The book is a tour de force, as the author brings her careful reading of a wide range of historical material to reveal the contingencies of the past in all their complexity.