In the magical Kingdom of the Golden Moon, Princess Shiela's world is filled with smiles, unicorn rides, and sunny adventures-until a terrifying roar changes everything. Separated from her friends and lost in a dark, mysterious forest, Shiela finds herself face-to-face with the creature of her nightmares-a fierce dragon. But not everything is as it seems. As she navigates her fears, strange encounters, and a magical book, she learns that even the scariest tales can hide a sweet surprise. Will Shiela find the courage to believe in herself and unlock the secrets that lie behind the dragon's roar? A story of unexpected friendship, courage, and the taste of gingerbread that lingers long after the last page. Perfect for young adventurers who believe in the power of faith and a little magic. Shiela and the Dragon is thoughtfully crafted into five enchanting chapters, each perfectly paced for young readers to enjoy in a single sitting or for parents to read aloud as a bedtime story. This structure allows young adventurers to follow Shiela's journey step by step, savouring every twist and turn while feeling the comfort of a complete tale each night. The chapters are filled with magic, courage, and the taste of gingerbread that lingers long after the last page.
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