When you walk the stage during your college graduation, you are handed your diploma. Although it's just a piece of paper signifying the completion of your degree, to many, it feels more like a ticket into what society deems acceptable in order for you to step foot out into the real world. With this ticket into adulthood comes the pressure to have it all together. The reality is, the postgrad transition causes many young adults to silently struggle with anxiety, postgrad depression, and the need to "be on time" for all of the adulthood milestones. Within this book, author Michelle Lynn Johnson highlights her own experience of dealing with anxiety and the grief of detaching from the identity of being a student. Shift your Standards is filled to the brim with resources to help guide college graduates through this difficult transition. Not only does the book include an inspiring written section, it also includes an entire workbook for readers to begin to implement all that they learn. Michelle's goal as an author was to not only provide helpful advice, but provide clear-cut action steps for readers to take to jumpstart them on this new journey of self-growth.
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