The endeavor is the initiation of research on silicon based induced resistance in cotton plant against cotton mealy bug. Coadministration of histidine and glutamic acid with sodium silicate results in silicon accumulation in plants 3-4 and 2-3 times more than without these solubilizers. Coadministration of silicon solubilizers with sodium silicate results in approximately 1-2 times increase in mortality, 1-1.5 times prolongation in longevity and 1-2 times reduction in honeydew secretion of three instars and adult female of cotton mealybug than treatment with sodium silicate alone. Histidine results in ~ 1.5 times more silicon accumulation in cotton plants than glutamic acid. Silicon concentration in plants has highly significant and positive correlation with life duration and mortality; but significant and negative correlation with honeydew secretion of three instars and adult female of CMB. The findings of the endeavor persuaded the application of silicon in coadministration with silicon solubilizers to synergize the induced host plant resistance in cotton against cotton mealybug.