Musik im Theaterhaus (inkl. Oper und Oratorium), Konzerte in Wirts- und Kaffeehäusern, Ballsälen, Lustgärten und diversen weiteren Räumlichkeiten - die Musikkultur Englands und insbesondere Londons war zwischen der Restauration 1660 und der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts im europäischen Vergleich außergewöhnlich vielfältig. Die vorliegende Monographie stellt das Panorama der Praktik des Musikhörens innerhalb des öffentlichen Kulturlebens anhand unterschiedlicher Auffassungen von musikalisch partizipierender bis distanzierter Musikwahrnehmung dar. Die damalige Denkfigur der Vorstellungskraft erweist sich dabei als zentral für multisensorisches, rationales und assoziatives Musikhören der Zeit.
Music in the theatre (including opera and oratorio), concerts in taverns and coffee houses, ballrooms, pleasure gardens and various other venues - the musical culture of England and especially London between the Restoration in 1660 and the middle of the 18th century was exceptionally diverse by European standards. This monograph presents the panorama of the practice of listening to music within public cultural life by means of different conceptions of musically participatory to distanced musical perception. The concept of imagination proves to be central to the multisensory, rational and associative music listening of the time.
Music in the theatre (including opera and oratorio), concerts in taverns and coffee houses, ballrooms, pleasure gardens and various other venues - the musical culture of England and especially London between the Restoration in 1660 and the middle of the 18th century was exceptionally diverse by European standards. This monograph presents the panorama of the practice of listening to music within public cultural life by means of different conceptions of musically participatory to distanced musical perception. The concept of imagination proves to be central to the multisensory, rational and associative music listening of the time.