This story unfolds late in 11th Century Europe, during the 3rd Crusades - Sir Graaf, a loyal knight of King Richard, has allowed the sacred "Mercy Cloth" to be lifted from Cyprus (Province). Banished soon after, by his king, for his negligence of the cloth, Sir Graaf embarks on a quest to retrieve the holy keep. Reluctantly, he adopts the title of "Braak" to conceal his true origin. On his journey he befriends the aging Norseman, Dahlgren, and together they collide with the holy ordained "Knights Templar," who themselves are in pursuit of the evil warlock, "Seclorum." Suddenly, the warriors find themselves thrust into a terrible malicious battle between good and evil. The warlock "Seclorum" has ensnared them all, leading them to the cliffs of Cadiz in Moor-occupied Spain, to unleash hell on earth. But if God is for them.then nothing, or no man, can stand against them.
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