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The laws of history are as absolute as the laws of nature or the laws of hygiene. As an individual cannot with impunity violate hygienic law-as nature always avenges every departure from her eternal order: so nations and communities cannot safely deviate from the laws of history, still less violate them with impunity. History positively demonstrates that slavery is not one of the natural laws of the human race, any more than disorders and monstrosities are normal conditions of the human body. It is unnecessary to dwell on the generally known fact of the captivity and enslavement of the Jews,…mehr

The laws of history are as absolute as the laws of nature or the laws of hygiene. As an individual cannot with impunity violate hygienic law-as nature always avenges every departure from her eternal order: so nations and communities cannot safely deviate from the laws of history, still less violate them with impunity. History positively demonstrates that slavery is not one of the natural laws of the human race, any more than disorders and monstrosities are normal conditions of the human body. It is unnecessary to dwell on the generally known fact of the captivity and enslavement of the Jews, or to detail the researches concerning the Hycksos-first slaves, then masters and rulers, and finally again overpowered and reduced to captivity. But beside these Shemites, Hebrews-be they Hycksos or not-all other races and nations were at some time or other captives and slaves in Egypt. The Pharaohs warred with Asiatics, and especially with what is now called Caucasian races; and the monuments show that red, white, and yellow slaves taken in war were far more numerous than the blacks. In the history of the Ph¿nicians, and therefore, in the earliest authentic epoch, a great historical and social law manifests itself in full action. This activity it retains through all the subsequent social and political catastrophes in the life of nations and empires, down even to Hayti with her immortal Toussaint. Slavery generates bloody struggles. Many of these have resulted in the slaves violently regaining their liberty, while others have destroyed the whole state-swallowing up the slaveholders in their own blood, or burying them under the ruins of their own social edifice. This whole question of Slavery must be forced back to where it was left by the immortal expounders of Southern instinct and intuition on slavery, those noble patriots-Henry, Laurens, Washington, Jefferson, Mason, Randolph, and a host of other great names-now forsworn by their political descendants. (From The Book)
Burkholder Media Classics..."Of making many books there is no end" (Ecclesiastes 12:12). Everywhere we look we can find books. Hardly is there a place, whether in the home, in the shop, in the workplace, in the museum, or in the religious institution, where we do not find some type of literature. And like Solomon said, "of making many books there is no end." It was true in his day, and it is true in our day. And this is why Burkholder Media has undertaken the task of reprinting Public Domain works that have been written and preserved through the ages. Public Domain books are not under copyright stipulations, and can be distributed freely without permission from the original publisher. But in so doing, Burkholder Media takes every effort to giver proper credit to whom credit is due. Therefore, these reprints retain all pertinent information to acknowledge the original authors and publishers. There is no lack of books being written today, and many good books can be found among this plethora of writing. And yet, there is something special about old books, books that have stood the test of time. This does not mean all old books are good books. In fact, many of the books that have been preserved throughout history are not fit for the Christian mind. Many of them are of little use to the Christian, and as a company, Burkholder Media has undertaken the task of reprinting only those books of value to the Christian mind. Burkholder Media appreciates any and all feedback from our readers. We strive toward excellency, not only in the layout of our books, but also in the character of our books. Everything we do, we do to the glory of God. May He alone be glorified for any and all good that may come from this project of reprinting books that the whole family can be edified wherewith and strengthened in their Christian faith.