Christine HerbertSleep, the Elixir of Life
How to Restore Sleep with Herbs and Natural Healing
Christine Herbert FAMH, DipAET, BA (Hons) qualified as a herbalist in 1997, after spending nineteen years in the NHS as a biomedical scientist. She retired from practice in 2019 in order to dedicate her time to sharing her knowledge through teaching and writing. Christine is an Honorary Fellow of the Association of Master Herbalists.
1: Sleep - what is it, how much do we need, why do we need it. Why can it
be called the elixir of life?
2: Helping babies and children to sleep better
3: The effect of diet and digestion on sleep
4: The effect of stress and anxiety on sleep
5: The influence of hormones on sleep; from premenstrual syndrome through
pregnancy to menopause
6: The urinary system and sleep disturbance
7: Pain causing sleep disturbance: muscle pain, joint pain, menstrual
cramps, mastalgia and headaches
8: Other health problems that commonly cause sleep disturbance
9: Materia medica of herbs that appear in the text; glossary of herb
actions; methods of taking the herbs
10: Other ways of taking herbs to help with sleep - flower essences and
essential oils
11: Diet, supplementation and natural healing, including guides to a dairy
free, gluten free, nightshade free and low salicylate diet
Notes to the text
Bibliography and further reading