Already, Demuth is a legend. Funny how a man can disappear…. There is left only the smoke, the souvenir-the essence, I suppose you could call it." -- Marcel Duchamp, January 21, 1956 In 1922, William Carlos Williams reimagined what a book of poetry could be when he published Spring and All, dedicated to his friend Charles Demuth. Smoke and Souvenirs by David T. Shoemaker reimagines what a biography can be. Combining poetry and essays, Mr. Shoemaker reveals little details that unlock the inner life of the man behind the Demuth legend. More than just a biography, the book is a celebration of the power of friendship to inspire, challenge, encourage, and support one other to become the best versions of ourselves. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book supports the Demuth Museum and their mission of "developing awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the artwork and legacy of Charles Demuth, renowned American modernist painter, and his family's contributions to the Lancaster community.
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