"Modiano is an ideal writer to gorge on . . . A moody, delectable noir." -- The New Yorker "The best kind of mystery, the kind that never stops haunting you." -- Entertainment Weekly "A work of melancholic beauty . . . Sincere, shattering, magnificent." -- L'Express In the stillness of his Paris apartment, Jean Daragane has built a life of total solitude. Then a surprising phone call shatters the silence of an unusually hot September, and the threatening voice on the other end of the line leaves Daragane wary but irresistibly curious. Almost at once, he finds himself entangled with a shady…mehr
"Modiano is an ideal writer to gorge on . . . A moody, delectable noir." -- The New Yorker "The best kind of mystery, the kind that never stops haunting you." -- Entertainment Weekly "A work of melancholic beauty . . . Sincere, shattering, magnificent." -- L'Express In the stillness of his Paris apartment, Jean Daragane has built a life of total solitude. Then a surprising phone call shatters the silence of an unusually hot September, and the threatening voice on the other end of the line leaves Daragane wary but irresistibly curious. Almost at once, he finds himself entangled with a shady gambler and a beautiful, fragile young woman, who draw Daragane into the mystery of a decades-old murder. The investigation will force him to confront the memory of a trauma he had all but buried. This masterly novel penetrates the deepest enigmas of identity and compels us to ask whether we ever know who we truly are. "Moody . . . Lyrical . . . A pleasure." -- Kirkus Reviews "A writer unlike any other and a worthy recipient of the Nobel." -- Wall Street Journal
PATRICK MODIANO was born in 1945 in a suburb of Paris and grew up in various locations throughout France. In 1967, he published his first novel, La Place de l'étoile, to great acclaim. Since then, he has published over twenty novels—including the Goncourt Prize−winning Rue des boutiques obscures (translated as Missing Person), Dora Bruder, and Les Boulevards des ceintures (translated as Ring Roads)—as well as the memoir Un Pedigree and a children's book, Catherine Certitude. He collaborated with Louis Malle on the screenplay for the film Lacombe Lucien. In 2014, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. The Swedish Academy cited "the art of memory with which he has evoked the most ungraspable human destinies and uncovered the life-world of the Occupation," calling him "a Marcel Proust of our time."