Non-communicable diseases like coronary heart diseases are leading cause of morbidity and deaths in world. However, social determinants are distant determinants of health in terms of causation of diseases. This book is trying to explain how Social determinants are linked with the chronic diseases like myocardial infarction. Social determinants are not sufficient for causation of diseases. However, there is still a need to realize that these determinants are integral part of web of causation of diseases especially non-communicable diseases. This book aims to explore possible relationship between social determinants like socioeconomic status, smoking, stress and social support with coronary heart diseases in Mumbai, India. This study was carried out using quantitative case-control study design. The determinants like stress and smoking were important factors for acute myocardial infarction. This study helps in re-establishing direct as well as indirect relationship between social determinants like Socioeconomic status, smoking behaviour, social support and stress with the myocardial infarction.