Philosophers of all times, as sages of humanity, have always disobeyed the authority and domination of the single thought, as well as the hegemony of traditional concepts, eclipses, patterns and theoretical models that were the object of beliefs and teachings and that ultimately have marked the historical development of universal science. By their disobedience, they have not only brought light into the darkness, but have awakened those who have been asleep, ergo they dared to know. Indeed, it is from the magma of philosophy, of transdisciplinary translanguage, of humanity's store of knowledge and of the concurrent dialogue of epistemic models, that this paradigmatic disobedience germinates, which now announces complex, transdisciplinary, transluminal and transcomplex thinking as transmodern epistemic irreverence. This paradigmatic insubordination in itself involves new ways of thinking, researching and constructing science, which is why reflecting on social research and paradigmatic disobedience from the perspective of transcomplexity is not only a challenge for university teachers.