Begin an enchanting journey of language discovery with "Sofia, la Piccola Matta Teaches Italian." Melissa Muldoon brings this vibrantly illustrated narrative to life, paving a colorful path for children and those new to language learning straight to the heart of Italian basics. Follow the story of "La Piccola Matta" Sofia, a spirited 8-year-old Italian girl, and her playful beagle, Moka, as they introduce their new friend Ty, a young English speaker, to the wonders of their native tongue. The adventures of Sofia and her friends guide readers through Italy's rich language and culture. The book streamlines learning with a focus on numbers, colors, adjectives, personal pronouns, basic verbs, and the foundations of verb conjugation. This interactive, educational book makes the first steps into Italian learning delightful and approachable for "big and small kids" alike.
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