The labour market of a city like Calcutta is a
complex phenomenon. In this study we try to analysis
this complex character of the city s labour marker
from different aspects. Chapter one is the
introductory chapter and in this chapter we have
discussed various analytical issues related to the
labour market in Calcutta.
We analyse the spatial specificity of an urban
labour market. It can be viewed as an unified labour
market. The unique characteristic of the commodity
(labour) is that in a labour market, labour can take
an independent decision regarding its price. Again,
wage rigidity and the bargaining power of the labour
contradicts the usual demand supply rules in a
commodity market labour can also take the decision
on the amount of labour supplied by him. Huge unsold
stock of labour increases the mobility of the labour
across the space out-migration of labour. On the
other hand limited supply of jobs and different
types of rules and regulations restrict the movement
of labour from one workplace to another. Different
forces control the access to jobs. Even the informal
employment is also restricted by the nature of the
complex phenomenon. In this study we try to analysis
this complex character of the city s labour marker
from different aspects. Chapter one is the
introductory chapter and in this chapter we have
discussed various analytical issues related to the
labour market in Calcutta.
We analyse the spatial specificity of an urban
labour market. It can be viewed as an unified labour
market. The unique characteristic of the commodity
(labour) is that in a labour market, labour can take
an independent decision regarding its price. Again,
wage rigidity and the bargaining power of the labour
contradicts the usual demand supply rules in a
commodity market labour can also take the decision
on the amount of labour supplied by him. Huge unsold
stock of labour increases the mobility of the labour
across the space out-migration of labour. On the
other hand limited supply of jobs and different
types of rules and regulations restrict the movement
of labour from one workplace to another. Different
forces control the access to jobs. Even the informal
employment is also restricted by the nature of the