Beginning with his high school years, David Appleton embarks upon the journey called Life with high hopes and aspirations for a happy, fulfilling existence on this Earth. In a desperate struggle to free himself from his past, which has been marred by the emotional and mental trauma that was imposed upon him during his childhood, he seeks and finds a new identity for himself, taking dangerous risks, meeting and making friends with people from all walks of life and indulging in sex, drugs and alcohol while carousing with wild abandonment. His future seems uncertain until he takes a trip with his best friend, riding motorcycles from Los Angeles to New York. In the course of their travels, he meets Jesus in a miraculous, unexpected encounter, which is foreshadowed by events that have taken place earlier in his life. Gradually, his devotion to Jesus grows and develops. In his ministry of spreading The Gospel, he receives revelations, visions and miracles from God. He finds himself compelled to resist the nocturnal attacks of evil spirits and demons, which employ witchcraft and black magic in an attempt to prevent him from continuing his witness for Jesus. Based upon his experiences, he arrives at the conclusion that all is not what it seemingly appears to be in the day-to-day routine of ordinary living. He begins to strongly suspect that God has a plan for each individual within the context of a reality to which most human beings are oblivious. Utilizing the concept of subjective reality, he persists in sharing his faith in Jesus with others, as his relationship with Jesus evolves into a close personal friendship. The finale of this story is completely unforseeable and incredible, leaving the reader with an uplifting sense of awe and wonder as David's destiny unfolds in accordance with The Divine Plan of God.
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