IN this research: Application of N and P fertilizer with tied ridge(in-situ moisture consrevation) gave better returns in all experimental soil types, particularly on Vertisol plots receiving 23-20 N- P kg/ha, On Calcisols, 23- 10 N- P kg/ha and In the Cambisols, better yields were found in 23- 20 N- P kg/ha interaction in tied ridge planting. interaction Therefore, in this semi arid and moisture stress area to produce more food for consumption and for market, improvement and maintenance of the soil fertility is crucial. To correct this, supplementary organic and/or inorganic fertilizers are necessary with in-situ moisture conservation techniques such as tied ridges. The integrated soil fertility and water management approach is important for risk reduction and sustained yield in the semi-arid areas like the study sites. Based on the results of this study the use of fertilizer with moisture conservation is advisable and recommended as the combination gives greater yield than either fertilizer or moisture conservation alone. In the absence of tied-ridging for moisture conservation, furrow system is recommended.