The aviation sector continues to play a vital
role in the economic growth of the islands of the
South Pacific. These islands are sparsely populated
and scattered across great expanses of the Pacific
Ocean. The current costs of ownership and operation
of airlines in these limited markets and remote
small Pacific communities are high and in most cases
not economically sustainable. Having analysed the
need for air transportation in the smaller South
Pacific nations, and reviewed the environment,
history, practice and difficulties of its provision,
this book presents a blue print for the future. It
advocates a managed and integrated flight path for
the economic sustainability of the airlines of the
region, lessen the financial burden to the
governments and peoples of the region and yet
deliver essential air services necessary for the
economic well being of the region. This conclusion
is labeled a Managed Integrated Independent South
Pacific Airlines (MIISPA) flight path.
role in the economic growth of the islands of the
South Pacific. These islands are sparsely populated
and scattered across great expanses of the Pacific
Ocean. The current costs of ownership and operation
of airlines in these limited markets and remote
small Pacific communities are high and in most cases
not economically sustainable. Having analysed the
need for air transportation in the smaller South
Pacific nations, and reviewed the environment,
history, practice and difficulties of its provision,
this book presents a blue print for the future. It
advocates a managed and integrated flight path for
the economic sustainability of the airlines of the
region, lessen the financial burden to the
governments and peoples of the region and yet
deliver essential air services necessary for the
economic well being of the region. This conclusion
is labeled a Managed Integrated Independent South
Pacific Airlines (MIISPA) flight path.