This book is the first regular space exploration annual. It provides an annual update on recent space launches, missions and results, to be published every year in September. It is written at an accessible level for both young and older space enthusiasts.
The aim of the Space Exploration - 2007 is to provide an annual update on recent space launches, missions and results, to be published every year in September. The annual will cover space exploration from a variety of angles: looking back at past missions, reviewing those currently under way and looking to those planned for the future. The ten invited contributions each year will cover a variety of topics within these areas, to appeal to a wide readership.The regular set features, which will appear every year, will include records noting satellite and rocket launches in the previous year and satellite recoveries; analysis of developments and emerging trends in space exploration; notes on records and main feats during the year; basic data on all launchers currently in operation; schedules of upcoming missions; anniversaries and landmarks.
The aim of the Space Exploration - 2007 is to provide an annual update on recent space launches, missions and results, to be published every year in September. The annual will cover space exploration from a variety of angles: looking back at past missions, reviewing those currently under way and looking to those planned for the future. The ten invited contributions each year will cover a variety of topics within these areas, to appeal to a wide readership.The regular set features, which will appear every year, will include records noting satellite and rocket launches in the previous year and satellite recoveries; analysis of developments and emerging trends in space exploration; notes on records and main feats during the year; basic data on all launchers currently in operation; schedules of upcoming missions; anniversaries and landmarks.
Aus den Rezensionen:
"... Zunächst werden alle wichtigen Raumfahrtaktivitäten im Jahr 2005 zusammengefasst. Dann schildern die verschiedenen Beiträge die Weiterentwicklung der Internationalen Raumstation, die Erforschung des Mars, die zahlreichen Raumsonden-Missionen im Sonnensystem vom Merkur bis zum Saturn, und zuletzt werden die aktuellen Arbeiten und Pläne beschrieben ..." -- in: bild der wissenschaft - Sammelband, 2006, S. 609
"... Zunächst werden alle wichtigen Raumfahrtaktivitäten im Jahr 2005 zusammengefasst. Dann schildern die verschiedenen Beiträge die Weiterentwicklung der Internationalen Raumstation, die Erforschung des Mars, die zahlreichen Raumsonden-Missionen im Sonnensystem vom Merkur bis zum Saturn, und zuletzt werden die aktuellen Arbeiten und Pläne beschrieben ..." -- in: bild der wissenschaft - Sammelband, 2006, S. 609