Von ursprünglich vier Rostocker Pfarrkirchen hat die St. Marien-Kirche als einzige den Zweiten Weltkrieg unbeschädigt überstanden. Unter ihrem Dach finden Gottesdienste und Kirchenmusiken statt und mit ihrer kostbaren Ausstattung wird sie jedes Jahr von mehr als 150.000 Touristen besucht. St. Marien war die Kirche des Rates der Hansestadt und sowohl in der Reformation als auch während der Ereignisse im Herbst 1989 ein zentraler Ort für die Stadt. Bis heute ist sie ein wichtiger Raum für die Universität Rostock. Der vorliegende Band behandelt die Baugeschichte und die Ausstattung von St. Marien und ermöglicht so Antworten auf grundlegende Fragen: Was ist eine Pfarrkirche? Warum wurden im Mittelalter große Kirchenbauten so nah beieinander errichtet? Das Buch ist chronologisch strukturiert, motiviert aber auch zu selektiver Lektüre.
[St. Mary's Church in Rostock. Biography of a Church Building]Of Rostock's original four parish churches, St. Mary's Church was the only one to survive the Second World War undamaged. Services and church music take place under its roof and with its precious furnishings it is visited by more than 150,000 tourists every year. St. Mary's was the church of the council of the Hanseatic city and a central place for the city during the Reformation and during the events in the fall of 1989. To this day, it is an important space for the University of Rostock. This volume explores the building history and furnishings of St. Mary's and thus provides answers to fundamental questions: What is a parish church? Why were large church buildings erected so close to each other in the Middle Ages? The book is structured chronologically, but also encourages selective reading.
[St. Mary's Church in Rostock. Biography of a Church Building]Of Rostock's original four parish churches, St. Mary's Church was the only one to survive the Second World War undamaged. Services and church music take place under its roof and with its precious furnishings it is visited by more than 150,000 tourists every year. St. Mary's was the church of the council of the Hanseatic city and a central place for the city during the Reformation and during the events in the fall of 1989. To this day, it is an important space for the University of Rostock. This volume explores the building history and furnishings of St. Mary's and thus provides answers to fundamental questions: What is a parish church? Why were large church buildings erected so close to each other in the Middle Ages? The book is structured chronologically, but also encourages selective reading.